Opening Esther's Place on Etsy has been quite the adventure. The learning curve has been steep at times. I'm not what is considered a "business" person. Despite my doubts, opening an Etsy store was what I wanted to do.
Etsy has great resources for someone wanting to open a shop, so I researched and researched. And researched some more. (I'm a genealogist remember? Research is what I do.)
And I learned....
- ...how much I didn't know. Okay, that was a scary lesson!
- ...I can't be shy promoting myself or my shop. Etsy shop owners and shoppers alike are very supportive.
- ....what SEO is and how to use it. This is most definitely an ongoing lesson.
- ....to ask for help.
- ...to take better photographs. This is an ongoing lesson as well.
- ...how to hold my breath and push the "publish" button despite my fears.
I like running Esther's Place. Combining genealogy, family history and crafting brings me a lot of joy.
Are you an Etsy shop owner? Thinking about becoming one?
My best advice? Take advantage of Etsy's many resources and just go for it. (Let me know when you do. I'd be happy to stop by.)