Esther's Place

Esther's Place

September 16, 2013

Will You Edit My Photograph?

One of the common questions I am asked at Esther's Place is, "Will you edit my photograph?".


The answer - I do perform basic edits to a customer's photograph.  I do not perform major edits such as repairing a photograph.

Often I need to crop the photograph to highlight the individual. 


I might crop the photograph as a whole.

Will You Edit My Photograph?

Or I might crop just the person I need to use from the photograph.

Cropping an Individual


I will also adjust the exposure of a photograph if needed to create a clearer image to use in various settings.


Editing a Photograph


If  there is a question of how a photograph will work in a custom order, I will e-mail my customer a sample edit of how their photograph will appear in their chosen setting.


As always, if you have a question about a photograph you wish to use, just e-mail at EsthersPlace[at]